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Frequently Asked Questions 

Will it hurt?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. It can be uncomfortable, especially if it’s your first time. Be sure to exfoliate the skin the day before your waxing appointment to remove any dead skin cells. Exfoliating will make it a bit less painful.

How long should the hair be?

It’s recommended that the hair be 2-3 weeks in growth or at least a 1/4 inch. If the hair is too short, the wax cannot adhere to it.

How long do the results last?

The more you wax and the more consistent you are, the better results you’ll have. Most clients see growth again in 3 weeks. It’s best not to shave between waxing appointments.

How long does it take?

Most services take between 15 and 20 minutes. It all depends on how much hair needs to be removed.

Will I be in pain after waxing?

No, but you will be sensitive. Your skin may be pink or a touch swollen, but you shouldn’t be in pain. Most sensitivity goes away within 12 to 24 hours.

How often should I get waxed?

At Sleek360, we recommend waxing every 3 to 4 weeks. Waxing consistently will help the hair come back thinner and softer, ensuring a less painful visit next time. Waxing regularly also helps prevent ingrown hairs.

Do pregnant women get waxed?

Yes, you may be a bit more sensitive during pregnancy, but many women get waxed up until the day of delivery.

Can I get a bikini wax while on my Menstrual Cycle?

It’s recommended to wait until your period has passed. However, If you are going on vacation and just can’t wait, then yes, we will wax you as long as you have a fresh tampon inserted and the string tucked inside.

What is a male Brazilian?

A male Brazilian is a service provided to men that removes as much or as little hair as you want in the bikini area. We remove the hair on the top and underwear line, the penis, the testicles, and the hair between the cheeks.

What kind of men get a male Brazilian?

Our clients come from all walks of life, single or married, straight or gay, athletes, dancers, body builders, young or old.

Why would a guy get a male Brazilian?

The same reason women get Brazilians! It feels cleaner and smoother for a lot longer than shaving. Some people have bikini services done because it’s sexier for your significant other.

Will I get an erection during a waxing service?

It happens to about half of men getting waxed. It’s usually an adrenal response from the waxing service that can’t be controlled. It’s really not a problem. Just keep in mind, this is a professional service. Inappropriate remarks or advances will be cause for the esthetician to stop the service. You will still be charged full price for the service.

Is there an age limit to come to Sleek360 Wax Studio?

If you are under 18, you’ll need to bring a parent or guardian with you to your first appointment, as we will need their consent. If you are under 16, the parent or guardian must stay in the room with you during a bikini service.

Can I be waxed while on medications?

Some prescription medications such as Retin A, Renova, Accutane, Differin, or Tazorac can increase the rate at which your skin exfoliates. Waxing could potentially remove the skin as well as the hair while on these medications. Let us know if you are using any of the above medications or any prescription skin care medications prior to waxing.

Does the price change if I don’t have much hair?

Sleek360 Wax Studio offers affordable waxing and charges per service, regardless of the amount of hair you have.

Does hair waxing affect how my hair grows?

Effects vary from person to person, but many people report finer and thinner hair growth after multiple waxing appointments. Hair growth is reduced as it’s pulled from the roots, so you can expect it to be more sparse as it grows back.

Can I shave between treatments?

We strongly advise not shaving between waxing appointments. Shaving makes your skin more sensitive, making your next waxing appointment more painful. It can also cause ingrown hairs and skin abrasions, counteracting the smooth skin your waxing appointment left behind.

Is there a way to reduce pain during a bikini or Brazilian wax?

Over-the-counter painkillers can actually help reduce pain during an intimate wax. They can also help reduce swelling after your appointment. We do not recommend trying alcohol: it dehydrates your body, tightening your pores and making the waxing process less painful.

What is the best way to get rid of red skin after waxing?

Moisturizing your skin is the most simple and effective way of calming post-waxing redness. Waxing removes the top layer of your epidermis, stripping away your skin’s natural oil and moisture. There are several products on the market that can help restore moisture and rejuvenate your skin.

How long should I wait to use a sunbed or tan outside?

We advise waiting at least 24 hours after your hair waxing appointment to tan outside, to give your skin some time to recover from the treatment. Tanning in a sunbed too soon after waxing can cause sensitive skin to blister or peel, especially in intimate areas. Wait at least one week before and after your waxing appointment for professional tanning.

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